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Osano Area - Media

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Moving Ahead After Overcoming Obstacles

Elgin Community College helped graduate Andrew Pratt overcome obstacles and pursue his dream of becoming an animator.

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Short Summer Sessions

Accelerated summer classes at ECC left Ronak more time to work his part-time job and have fun with friends.

Moving Ahead After Overcoming Obstacles

Elgin Community College helped graduate Andrew Pratt overcome obstacles and pursue his dream of becoming an animator.

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Short Summer Sessions

Accelerated summer classes at ECC left Ronak more time to work his part-time job and have fun with friends.

Moving Ahead After Overcoming Obstacles

Elgin Community College helped graduate Andrew Pratt overcome obstacles and pursue his dream of becoming an animator.

Short Summer Sessions

Accelerated summer classes at ECC left Ronak more time to work his part-time job and have fun with friends.

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Short Summer Sessions

Accelerated summer classes at ECC left Ronak more time to work his part-time job and have fun with friends.